Monday, June 25, 2012

Where did all the wine coolers go?

A long time ago there was something called a wine cooler.  For those of us who grew up in the 80's-90's you most definitely should remember these guys.

Bartles & Jaymes
Whatever happened to them anyway?

Anyway, the allure of wine coolers (for me at least) was that they packed a higher ABV than most beers at the time, but were sweeter and more feminine than beer. Before long, your friends would ridicule and threaten to kick your ass if they ever saw a wine cooler touch your lips again.  This never happened to me, but I saw it happen to a "friend" once. ;) Then came Zima...that's a whole different story.

Jump ahead to 2012.  Drinking good wine is now a show of status.  Talking about wine is borderline pretentious. But knowing what kind of wine to drink and when is simply just helpful when trying to decide what to buy in a seemingly endless maze of choices isn't wrong at all.  Summer is upon us and it seems that Moscato wines are getting some additional attention lately.  Moscat grapes are sweet and therefore the wine is sweet as well.  Add to the fact that many labels are infusing with additional fruit flavor(s), you've got your modern version of a wine cooler.  The good news is that Muscato comes in big people bottles and not 4-packs.

At last week's Father's day cookout, my sister was kind enough to corner the market on Lunae's Sparkling Moscato & Peach.  Keep in mind that during BBQ time I am purely a beer guy. It's much easier and masculine looking for me to drink a beer that sip a glass of wine while holding a spatula.  But then comes the time where I can put the grill away and drink whatever I want & I turned to the Muscato.

Here's my breakdown.  It was light, sweet & pleasant. Maybe a little too sweet. In no way would I say this tasted like any other wine I typically like to drink, but it definitely does the trick on a hot (almost) summer day.  Cutting to the chase, this is a refreshing bottle for a BBQ.  For people who don't usually drink wine, this is might be considered a gateway. It may or may not open your mind to new & different things.   

As for the winemaker's notes, here's what I could find:

"Lunae is the first ever sparkling Moscato from Asti Italy infused with natural peach. This new wine is sweet and refreshing. It is perfect as a chilled cocktail or as the base for many exciting new drinks."

Until next time.

Friday, June 8, 2012

At long last...

In short, it has been an absolutely hellish few months.  Thankfully and without jinxing myself, the craziness seems to have subsided...for now.  I'd like to dedicate this entry to my best buddy Romeo.  For those of you who know me personally, you understand how special he was not only to me but to any/everyone who knew him.

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.  ~Ben Williams

To be perfectly honest I've been drinking a lot lately, but just haven't found the heart to sit down and take notes or write about anything.  Let's say that I have re-discovered the medicinal properties of a nice bottle of wine.

As for last night, I started reading a new book about wine called "Unquenchable" by Natalie MacLean.  Ms. MacLean wrote the book based on the premise that she could travel & discover some really great wines in the $15-20 range.  I think that for most of the people who are casual drinkers of wine, this is the price point that's comfortable for most of us.  And if it's not within your comfort zone, it most certainly is within mine.  Her first chapter referenced the best bargains from the most notable regions of the Australian and their famed Shiraz.  Why not start there?

I stopped off @ the pharmacy, local wine shop with my new guide in hand and picked up the only bottle I could find with a name that had been mentioned in the book.  Of course it was not entirely unreasonable for me to assume that most every wine shop carry the big labels that are most aggressively marketed as opposed to something actually worth drinking.  Ironically, this was the second most expensive ($19.99...I probably overpaid) bottle of Austrilian red they carried and the bottle hadn't even been dusted off in at least a few months.  This is what I found.

2008 Peter Lehmann Layers Red, Barossa

This bottle of Australian red from the Barossa Valley was fleshy and bold. Full of red fruit, tangy with a mildly spicy undertone.  Upon first taste I realized the book was in fact correct. This was not just another ordinary wine.  It was smooth, yet possessed a heartiness that was even keeled with a hint of smokiness that I'd have more likely expected to find with a dry aged cheese.  I also felt there was a woodsiness that lingered for a moment or two. 

I wouldn't sit here and lie about how much I liked this if I didn't like this wine.  It was something a little different for me and I truly enjoyed some of the subtle notes that I don't usually find in a regular bottle of wine.  As was mentioned in the book, the Barossa Valley wines have much to offer in terms of both value and quality.  If you're looking to mix it up, don't hesitate to read the label and find something similar.  It might be as much of a surprise to you as it was me.
