Thursday, November 17, 2011

Last night's bottle - To be or not to be organic...that is the question.

It's fair to say that I often preach the benefits of fair trade, eating organic, being green etc.  But the reality is that it's easier said than done to just one day transform you daily habits to meet the goal of living a wholly organic lifestyle. So for me I simply do what I can, when I can to be a responsible human and minimize my effect on destroying the planet and or/my body.  And there you have my best attempt at a PSA for organic living.

Last night was one of the few times I decided to open a bottle of organic wine and grabbed a bottle of Stellar Organics 2009 South African Shiraz off the shelf.  For anyone who has read this blog, it's probably not a surprise to hear me say that I am a big fan of Shiraz.  I mean my blood is red for a reason, I keep my body properly stocked with red wine as much as I can. It runs through my veins.

As for last night's bottle, I wasn't sure what to make of it at first.  Organics are not my specialty.  So I can simply tell you what I thought and you can choose whether or not to try it for yourself. 

The color was deep and dark as you might expect, but the nose is uncharacteristically light and airy.  The palate not as deep & rich as expected but this bottle does in fact go down easy. Hints of dark fruit jump out with a hint of cedar which make way for an earthy finish. The acidity is low and not at all overpowering. Ultimately, I found the wine to be well balanced but lacking in depth.

In short, this is a "fine" bottle of wine.  Definitely worth bringing to impress share with friends that may or may not be @ the OWS rally this morning.  In all seriousness, this would be good addition to your rotation.  Its always good to be diverse and this pleasant organic is a good start.

Until next time.


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