Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I may have had something to drink over the holiday.

Casalini 2010 Pinot Grigio

Considering most of the holiday break was spent doing things around the house I had been neglecting the rest of the year, it wasn't quite the restful 10 days I had been hoping for.  Nevertheless, I found time to drink a bottle here & there.

The bottle was a gift and most likely a lift from our guest's own liquor cabinet.  Oh stop, we've all done this.  Re-gifting wine is as common as changing one's underpants...it happens everyday.  Moving on...

Contrary to the time of year, I was somewhat excited to enjoy a bottle of what I would typically classify a summer wine.  I drink so much of the red stuff that this was a welcome change of pace.

The Casalini was as expected.  Light & fruity (apple & lemon) with a crisp finish.  While I did find it to be a  bit flat at first, it is more obviously a fault of mine than of the wine itself.  I need a few sips to really find a wine's groove. Upon second & even thirds, there was a mildly grassy feel and even provided some of the bite I initially thought had been absent. 

Overall, I wouldn't classify this as one of the most complex wines I've ever had but it was bland fine.  Definitely not terrible.  Although, I would quickly suggest something else at this price point ($9.99).  Yet at the same time, I wouldn't expect that you would be kicked off the picnic blanket if you brought a bottle of this along to share.  Perhaps one of it's strongest qualities is that it's a screw off which makes it a little easier to pop on a whim.

I hope you all had a Happy New Year and look forward to what lies ahead.

Until next time.


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