Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Last Night's Bottle - More Tales From Organica

It's become a bit of a treasure hunt at the wine store(s) lately.  The market for organic wine is obviously lacking in terms of selection and IMHO, quality.  So every time I stumble upon a new label I typically grab one for the road and move on.  My latest discovery in the organic category is the Releaf 2009 red blend which consists of 50% Cabernet Sauvignon, 30% Merlot & 20% Shiraz.

As far as blends go, I'm usually on the fence.  There really seems to be no middle ground for me.  I very rarely find myself either loving or hating specific blends.  I am happy to report that this time was no different.

Based on the varietals alone, this seemed like a promising endeavor.  Or perhaps it's just that I have an unnatural fetish for red wine?  Aromas of blackberry, vanilla with a hint of oak continued to peak my interest.  Flavors of plum, cranberry & black licorice provided some nice acidity & a little bit of a bite.  On a personal level, I do not like the taste of black licorice, but this wasn't enough to be a complete turnoff for me.

All that said, the wine was less complex than I'd have liked.  It was also thinner than I'd have preferred.  But at the same time, it was entirely drinkable.  Rated against some of the other organics I've recently sampled, this held up pretty well.  Although after only having two glasses, I woke up with a college sized hangover the next day.  It may simply be the fact that I've been working my tail off lately and completely exhausted, but something I felt worth mentioning.  Caveat emptor.

Until next time.



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